Greetings and Happy February!


Congratulations to the following seniors on their recent college acceptances:

Mattie Ramont - UNC Chapel Hill and the Spring Forward Program, University of Delaware - Honors College, Kent State-  Honors College.

Travis Fountain- UNC Charlotte and UNC Wilmington


KUDOS to our Battle of the Books Team who won their first competition of the year in a match with Rogers- Herr Middle School.



Much of our Middle Grades teaching team got hit with illness mid-week and it was quite magical to see teachers from MAPP to Upper School huddled around a white board with me helping to put together a great plan for our students.  It was yet another opportunity to appreciate and be grateful for Team Camelot. 



The Achieve Portal opens tomorrow (Monday) with First Semester reports and comments.

-         You will receive an email from Ms. Jill with viewing instructions.

-         Please take your time to click each link embedded in the teacher comments - they are the path to much of the info being shared.

-         The portal will be open for TWO WEEKS.

-         Kudos to Mr. Logan for making all those links happen!


As I read through the reports from Pre-K through Grade 12 over the past few weeks, I was overwhelmed with emotion, most especially as I came to the Upper School student reflections.  The evidence of thought and care represented in this body of student work can’t help but leave you hopeful for the future these young people will help to shape.  They are truly an inspiration and we are proud to share their work with you.


Speaking of sharing work with you, our New to Upper School Students (8th graders who joined Upper School this fall) will host their parents for special student-led reflections on Tuesday, February 20, from 4:30-6:30 PM.  Parents of these students - please plan to attend for 30 minutes during this two hour window.


The full slate of Spring Clubs will be posted this week.


Reminder From NHS:

This is the last week we will be collecting Valentine’s Day candy and items from the Durham Ronald McDonald House’s Wish list, linked at the end of this email.  With your help, Camelot Academy will be able to support free food and housing near Duke Hospital for the families of hospitalized children.  Collection runs until this Friday, February 9 - bins are on the porch near the side door.  The group that contributes the most will get first pick of a school-wide prize!




SUMMER CAMP info is rolling out and much of it can be found now on our website. 

There’s something for everyone (3 year olds to teenagers) and registration is live!

Check out all of the new and exciting options here:



Apiary Club’s Valentine’s honey sale will open at the parking lot Farm Stand on Thursday at dismissal time (2:30-4:00 PM).

- We are very excited to share our excellent farm honey with you!


Thursday is Senior picture day and Make-up picture day

-         Seniors will receive an email early this week with more info.

-         If you wish for your PK-11th grade student to sit a portrait re-take, please contact  with the request.


FAMILY CONFERENCE TIMES were sent out by Ms. Jill on Friday.  Please verify receipt if you are having a conference.


Wellness Update:

As noted above, we’ve had much illness this week - ranging from GI woes to a virus with fever and assorted accompanying symptoms.  We have had ONE known cases of COVID, no reports of flu, strep or RSV - nevertheless, the woes have been plentiful and we urge you to keep students home if they are exhibiting any symptoms and to wait to return for AT LEAST 24 hours after being fever free (without meds) and free of any GI distress.


I hope you have a great week!








Monday, February 5

-         First Semester Reports go home

Thursday, February 8

-         Picture Day - seniors, make-up/retakes

Wednesday February 14- Friday, February 16

-         School closed for Family Conferences

Monday, February 19

-         School closed for Presidents Day

Tuesday, February 20, 4:30-6:30

-         New to Upper School student-led conferences



Ronald McDonald House Wish list:

About the Ronald McDonald House Charities:

It is the policy and commitment of Camelot Academy that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, gender, religion, ethnic or national origin.

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